The transformative power of connection is all around us—bringing healing, courage, resilience, and hope, often in unexpected places. This first edition of the Fountain Fund newsletter celebrates this truth. Enjoy.
Partnering with Arbor Rising
Three Million and Counting
Fountain Fund Facts
The Fountain Fund is thrilled to announce its selection as a 2024 Arbor Rising grantee. This highly competitive 3-year grant will bring $450,000 in unrestricted funding as well as 600+ hours of consulting. By providing both expertise and financial support, Arbor Rising, “helps grantees become even more focused, impactful and sustainable.”
“The timing of this grant simply couldn’t be better,” says Erika Viccellio, Fountain Fund Executive Director. “Our agency is at a dynamic stage, and this support positions us to build internal capacity, strengthen systems, improve outcome measurements and sets the stage for expansion.”
Each year, Arbor Rising partners with four to six additional high-potential nonprofits, with a total annual portfolio ranging from 12 to 15. As noted on their website, they are on a mission to empower low-income individuals to secure a path out of poverty. “We are privileged to roll up our sleeves and pitch in with phenomenal nonprofit leaders doing the hard work of expanding opportunity in their communities.”
During the extensive selection process, Arbor Rising researched 300+ nonprofits, invited 70 submissions, and ultimately honored five grantees. As shared by Caroline Ostrever, Senior Associate, “Our board was thoroughly inspired by the mission, dedication, and accomplishments of each finalist—narrowing the applicants to five was a monumental task.”
The Fountain Fund looks forward to increasing our impact and improving our services as a result of this unique, powerful partnership.
Supporting Client Partners as they achieve their goals is at the heart of everything we do. A recent survey across all five Fountain Fund markets offers a glimpse into our impact.
97% Established trust & felt supported by our team.
91 Net Promoter Score (NPS)
This score is considered “Outstanding” and puts our agency in the TOP 1%! Created by Bain & Company, this metric reveals that our CPs are highly enthusiastic and would recommend our agency to friends or colleagues.
95% of respondents indicated that their loan helped them set themselves up for success, relieve an immediate burden and stabilize.
Top THREE Loan Goals
Secure transportation
Secure housing
Start or expand a business
“With the help of the Fountain Fund, I was able to achieve so much once I secured transportation. I was able to commute to the job of my dreams and to be successful in all other areas of life by connecting with people.”
"Having a place to call home is a blessing.”
“I was able to create a clothing business that will pay off in the future.”

Fountain Fund team members meet Arbor Rising staff in NYC in October to launch the collaboration.

Arlis Evans (left) becomes Boston’s very first Client Partner! Jay Vilar, Boston Site Director, and Arlis celebrate the moment.

Paul Yates, National Director of Economic Empowerment, meets with a Client Partner to discuss business options and finalize loan documentation.
Taking time to celebrate life’s milestones is an important ingredient to success. It creates an opportunity to pause and reflect, not only upon how far one has traveled but also upon the supportive relationships that have been formed along the way.
In that spirit, the Fountain Fund is excited to mark another major milestone. Earlier this fall, we crossed the threshold of distributing $3.4M in loans, nearly $1.6M of which has already been recycled! This includes 736 loans to more than 607 system-impacted individuals.
Behind every low-interest loan, is an inspiring Client Partner who has been able to pay-off fines and fees, secure transportation, land a job, enroll in classes, get an apartment, or maybe even open a new business! And every time someone successfully repays their loan, those recycled dollars become a window of opportunity for the next person who is rebuilding their life.
This kind of impact would never be possible without the combined efforts of many. Thank you, all, for your support and belief in our mission.
Donniece Watson
When Donniece Watson, LMHC & Founder of Crossroad Counseling Services, discovered that her office space was being sold, the panic was intense. Since June 2021, she had been providing vital mental health care for returning citizens in Lower Mills, but now, depending on how quickly the building sold… she might have as few as 60 days to vacate.
Finances were solid, but lean. And she didn’t have the savings to re-establish her private practice in such a tight turnaround. Donniece recalls, “My back was against the wall, and the thought of failure had me quaking in my boots.” She needed to secure funding for rent, potential moving expenses and additional office equipment.
That’s when the power of connection kicked in. Donniece knows the Boston reentry ecosystem well, both as a returning citizen and as a facilitator of support groups for the justice-impacted. She knew Jay Vilar, Boston Site Director, through previous crossover in the reentry space, so she decided to reach out. After sharing details of her situation and brainstorming options, Donniece applied and was approved for a $3,000 business loan!
While the funds were critical, Donniece is equally as thankful for the help she received finding a new office space and developing a strong business plan. During the loan process, Jay served as a quasi-realtor and Paul Yates, National Director of Economic Empowerment, helped her envision new business possibilities. “Let me tell you, it was also the stuff that money couldn’t pay for, that I didn’t even know I needed.”
Donniece’s office is now just down the hall from the Fountain Fund, and this is a big win for both agencies. She shares, “I believe Crossroad Counseling Services is a place where the community with the greatest need meets the community that’s there to serve them.”
I’m only one piece of the puzzle,” she humbly continues. “But there’s no wrong door when someone comes to see me. … depending on what they have going on, I can help them make those meaningful connections. Maybe it’s finding an addiction recovery specialist or outpatient programming or maybe it’s the Fountain Fund.”

Donniece Watson is the Boss! Her counseling agency brings wellness to the reentry ecosystem.
95% “Transformed my life for the better.”
97% “Feel empowered to overcome barriers in my life.”
Since lending commenced in August, Boston's active loan portfolio includes four loans valued at $7,499.
"I was able to secure a new office space and the funding to move on my desired date.”
“Flexibility was needed in many situations, and they stayed patient with me and kept faith alive in me! Thank you all so much for caring.”
“I have received above and beyond help from the Fountain Fund. Wherever there was an issue I was met with grace.”

Omay Ford received a home downpayment loan from the Fountain Fund. Referred by J4H, Omay is turning his dream of home ownership into reality!
Justice 4 Housing
Communication between agencies in the reentry space is vital to Client Partner success. Just ask Omay Ford.
Late this summer, through a referral from Justice 4 Housing, Omay became the Fountain Fund’s very first Client Partner to receive a home downpayment loan!
A key element of J4H’s mission is, “ending housing discrimination and homelessness for individuals impacted by incarceration.”
By teaming up, the Fountain Fund and J4H are creating long-lasting change for the individuals they serve. This particular loan was the first of its kind and required a strong bridge between our two agencies.
“Through our partnership, we’re able to break barriers for formerly incarcerated people,” shares Sandy Valdes, SHARP Program Manager. “These include building generational wealth and building equity through starting a business, something the Fountain Fund has helped our clients do.” She continues, “Breaking these barriers helps us foster stronger, more resilient communities and contributes to J4H’s very low recidivism rate.”
SHARP, a core program at J4H, addresses the housing and stabilization needs of Formerly Incarcerated People (FIP) by providing not only housing subsidy vouchers, but also wrap-around care and empowerment services. SHARP aims to build pathways to homeownership by divesting from inequitable discriminatory systems and returning not just resources, but control over these resources to the individuals most impacted by systemic racism.
Nancy Harvey
When sharing time in conversation with Nancy Harvey, there is one word that consistently comes to mind: Resilient. At 70, she is no stranger to life’s struggles, but she also has what it takes to overcome. During the span of her life, she has survived an abusive marriage, a decades long battle with addiction, multiple physical ailments and more. Yet through it all, she has emerged stronger.
When describing her 2021 incarceration, Nancy states without hesitation, “I am a poster child for what can happen when you get a DUI.” Her sentence was nine months, six weeks of which she spent in jail. When she was given an opportunity to spend the remaining 7½ months at home wearing an ankle monitor, she took it.
“But that freedom,” she remarks, “wasn’t free.” The monitor cost nearly $5,000, paid in weekly installments. And with other expenses like utilities, housing, health care and food, paying the bills often felt relentless.
In May 2024, Nancy became eligible to reinstate her driver’s license, but she simply didn’t have the funds. She needed to get a job, and to get a job, she needed to be able to drive. That’s when Nickles & Dimes Ministry in Staunton connected her with the Fountain Fund, she secured a loan and the rest is history.
For returning citizens who feel despondent, Nancy offers this: “If you look around, there are always people who care.” It might be a family member (her grandson is her biggest fan!) or perhaps it will be a friend. Or maybe, just maybe, there will be, “… people cheering for you even if you don’t know who they are.”

Nancy Harvey is an inspiring example of resilience.
99% “Felt empowered to overcome barriers in life.”
96%“Transformed lives for the better.”
As of October 31, 2024, Charlottesville’s active loan portfolio included 157 loans valued at nearly $641,508.
“This partnership allowed me to expand my inventory and update equipment. It has also allowed me more flexibility with securing jobs in my community.”
“I was able to move into a place with the loan from the Fountain Fund and not only have a home of my own, but also show the court I was stable and able to get and maintain housing for my son.”
“The Fountain Fund is all about helping no matter what situation.”
More than 650,000 people are released from prison each year. Specific to our own home of Charlottesville, VA, 1 in 3 inmates booked at the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail will return to incarceration. The goal of One Stop Cville is to help prevent this from happening, or to at least be ready with resources to welcome folks back if it does.
One Stop Cville
Sometimes it’s hard to find the courage to step through new doors. This is particularly true for returning citizens who need to access a multitude of services as they create a fresh start.
The TO DO list can be incredibly daunting: find a job, get an apartment, reinstate a driver’s license, tap into recovery services, find legal support, access affordable health care, obtain financial literacy, and more.
Martize Tolbert, Founder of One Stop Cville and Fountain Fund National Director of Client & Community Engagement, has experienced this overwhelm first-hand.
His simple solution? Eliminate the many doors that someone needs to walk through by bringing everyone under a single roof.
Toward that end, One Stop Cville holds a free, bi-monthly gathering at Carter Recreation Center complete with food, music and giveaways. A wide array of service providers are on hand to answer questions, help with referrals, and offer support. All community members are welcome, regardless of incarceration status.
Shares Tolbert, “We started off outside in the hot sun with only 8 service providers, and now, just a few years later, we’ve expanded to 60+. Our impactful providers are in constant rotation every other month. One Stop Cville… constantly going and growing!”

One Stop Cville brings community together for the common good!
Frank Mike
Some things in life are serendipitous. For Frank Mike, overhearing a conversation between two strangers literally changed the trajectory of his life.
He exclaims, “Information is power. And if I hadn’t heard them talking about the Fountain Fund, who knows where I would be right now.”
Frank works long days on the Mississippi River, but he also dreamed of starting his own lawn care service for additional income. After several conversations with the Fountain Fund, he was approved for $4,500 to purchase essential lawn equipment. This was the first time in his life that Frank had secured a loan, and he has already repaid it in full! This instills pride and, he hopes, serves as inspiration for other returning citizens.
Has it been easy? No. Especially when he faced roadblocks securing city contracts. But that only fueled his determination. Today, Frank mows nine lawns for elderly neighbors, many of whom are widows without family.
“When I started this,” he shares, “I extended my heart and my time for free.” He continues, “But you wouldn’t believe the opportunities and doors that have opened since then.” His neighbors have become family, and his community is stronger because of it.
His advice for others who have been justice impacted? “Never give up. I think giving up or losing hope, it never does anybody any good.” He then says with hard-earned wisdom, “And if you give, really give from your heart, you’re always going to receive.”

In addition to working on the docks, Frank Mike brings lawn care and kindness to his community.
95% “Have hope for the future.”
93% “Improved understanding of financial competency.”
97% “Established trust & felt supported by team.
As of October 31, 2024, New Orlean’s active loan portfolio included 47 loans valued at nearly $83,154.
“I was able to remove myself from a toxic situation immediately and maintain my two full-time jobs.”
“They provided me the immediate funds to have a roof over my head in my time of need.”
“By getting my license, I was able to drive myself to work and provide for my family.”
When individuals turn to the Fountain Fund in hopes of obtaining a low-interest loan, one of the primary issues taken into consideration is employment. Having a job ensures that Client Partners will be able to steadily improve their credit AND successfully repay their loan.
Therefore, when someone arrives seeking financial support – but without a job – Meagan Jordan, Fountain Fund Economic Opportunity Facilitator, connects them to entities such as JOB1 RESTORE to help them bridge that gap!
According to RESTORE Case Manager James Catchings, their program’s aim is to equip individuals, both pre-release and upon their return home, with the necessary tools to thrive in all aspects of life. This includes hard skills, soft skills, wellness skills, and more.
Programs and connections, such as those listed below, help mitigate barriers to employment and support successful reentry:
Work Readiness
Life Skills Development
Identification/Legal Assistance
Resource Connection
Supportive Services
The relationships that JOB1 RESTORE cultivates with employers and organizations throughout the region opens doors and strengthens opportunities for New Orleans’ returning citizens. We are honored to work in tandem and believe wholeheartedly that our missions go hand in hand.
Tyrone Davis
When Tyrone Davis began rebuilding his life after incarceration, he knew the road would be difficult. Having spent most of his life in Harrisburg, it was particularly challenging when parole conditions mandated that he live in Philadelphia. This meant starting from ground zero, in a halfway house, with no close connections or social support… in an entirely new city. He also knew that quickly finding a job would be essential if he hoped to pay off outstanding debt, enroll in classes and get established.
With a variety of strong work skills, such as forklifting and IT, Tyrone was able to land a steady job and begin paying down expenses. The next daunting challenge would be securing funds for the first & last month’s deposit on an apartment.
Through a conversation with a representative at the Center for Employment Opportunity (CEO), Tyrone learned about the Fountain Fund. This was exactly the bridge he needed.
After completing the loan application and working with members of our lending team, Tyrone successfully secured a $2,850 loan! Now he proudly has a place to call home, as well as a little extra funding for furnishings.
When reflecting on his transition back into society, Tyrone is quietly grounded. “I’ve stopped trying to explain myself to people,” he notes. “I just listen now. I observe, and then I move forward.” He knows that other returning citizens might be tempted to hop back into the hustle, “... with the same old mindset, the same old ways.” He encourages them to take it slow and listen. It’s a whole new world.

Tyrone Davis transforms challenge into change.
100% “Improved understanding of credit.”
100% “Have hope for the future.”
100% “Were not reincarcerated.”
As of October 31, 2024, Philadelphia’s active loan portfolio included 75 loans valued at $535,269.
“The Fountain Fund helped me restore my credit, family life, and work life through consistent small wins and self-development.”
“Thanks for saving my life.”
“Having no limits to my ability to support my family. Helped create a level of humility, gratitude and resilience within me!”

Unity Recovery and Fountain Fund team members unite to bring business ideas to life.
Unity Recovery
When Lenny Burnett, Director of Re-Entry Support Services at Unity Recovery, and Mike Butler, Philadelphia Site Director, first met… they were behind the wall.
Today, they’ve teamed up on the outside, helping returning citizens bring their entrepreneurial dreams to life!
The Unity Entrepreneurial Center (UEC) at Unity Recovery offers a unique, 13-week training course aimed at helping individuals who are system and substance-use impacted overcome barriers to employment.
Their curriculum teaches the fundamentals of business formation, administration, and financing. It also helps individuals create structure for their ideas so their businesses can be implemented, developed and sustained.
Another exciting component of this innovative programming, Lenny explains, is that it serves as a small business incubator and allows individuals to compete for (3) $7,500 micro-grants that support business start-ups. The selection process, done “Shark Tank” style, is conducted using a rubric to ensure objectivity and fairness. “Out of each cohort,” Lenny continues, “we are able to provide three grants in support of new businesses!”
It’s at this exciting point in the process that the Fountain Fund often ends up in conversation with grantees, brainstorming possibilities and approving additional funding in support of their endeavors.
Providing business capital in this unique way multiplies the impact. It strengthens individuals, families and communities. It also helps ensure that returning citizens can shape their future based on their own lived-experience, unique vision and powerful dreams.

System and substance-impacted individuals gather at the UEC to envision a new way forward.
Rodney Bosher
It’s clear in conversation with Rodney Bosher, that he moves with a giving heart. Wanting to contribute. Wanting to connect. Wanting to give back.
Yet time and time again, upon returning home, employment opportunities were hindered by background checks that resulted in disqualification. The process was discouraging, and yet Rodney persevered.
A potential job as a Lived Experience Expert with the Help Me Help You Foundation felt promising and perfectly aligned. Especially because their primary goal is to reduce jail/prison recidivism and improve public safety by addressing the needs of returning citizens! But to secure the position, Rodney would need reliable transportation. And buying a car? That felt almost impossible.
That’s when his counselor told him about the Fountain Fund and everything started falling into place. Shares Rodney, “Tom was like a big brother to me. He was there, step by step. Always trying to help me and push me forward. To make sure I got the loan.” He continues, “They don’t judge your past, they’re willing to give you an opportunity and a chance.”
Rodney says the loan has been instrumental. Now he visits clients, checks in on their mental health, supports them if they have doctor’s appointments, and more. He also runs a reentry house, connecting people with jobs and encouraging them to, “save their money and get themselves together … so they can continue along this path and do right.”
Rodney acknowledges that it’s often difficult for the previously incarcerated to trust others. Sometimes it’s hard for him, too. But his experience with the Fountain Fund shifted his perspective. For those who feel unsure, he offers this, “I’ve learned to believe. When I took a chance on this, you know, it changed my view on a lot of different things. The help is there. … They will help you, they understand your situation, and if you’re struggling, just trust and try.”

Rodney Bosher brings support and care to others.
97% “Achieved better financial stability.”
100% “Achieved primary loan goal.”
97% “Transformed life for the better.”
As of October 31, 2024, Richmond’s active loan portfolio included 67 loans valued at nearly $305,426.
“I was able to devote a place to live for myself and my children. I can now better pursue my goals.”
“The loan gave me a head start to get back on my feet. Also, paying the loan back in increments is helping my credit. Overall, it’s a win win!”
“I was able to stabilize my finances by reopening my business.”
Ram Motors
For many Client Partners, securing reliable transportation is a top priority. Employers often demand that job seekers have it, and family members often depend on it.
As one CP shared, “Having a car gave me access to employment.” For another it meant creating safety for their kids getting to school. And for another, it means supporting a spouse with sickle cell anemia. Access to a vehicle, he explains, “…helps with her medical needs and limits family stress.”
For this reason, Tom Mundy, Director of Client & Community Engagement in Richmond, considers RAM Motors to be one of his strongest partnerships. He shares, “Finding a reliable, affordable car in today’s market, with inflation is challenging.” Because Fountain Fund vehicles must adhere to certain specifications, locating the right car can be even more complex.
To address this, RAM Motors specifically stocks vehicles that meet our guidelines. They also provide “free” 6-month warranties for our CPs, which brings extra peace of mind without added cost. “Having been in business for over a decade, they are a community staple.” Tom continues, “And they go above and beyond to make the buyer experience a good one.”
Thank you, RAM Motors, for helping our Client Partners achieve their goals, one vehicle at a time.